Privacy Policy

Our Company's privacy policy is as seen below:

1) Full name or company name of the business operator

unimal Co., Ltd.

2) Person in charge of managing personal information

unimal Co., Ltd. Person in charge of managing personal information

The use of personal information

For providing universions services

4) Provision of personal information to third parties

Our Company do not provide user's personal information to third parties except for cases indicated in the terms of use of universions or the following cases:


Within the range of achieving the mentioned 3), Our Company may entrust third parties to handle your personal information. When choosing outsourcing companies, Our Company, based on Our Company's standard, select trusted business operators who are managing personal information appropriately, and Our Company make sure of the safety of your personal information by monitoring the said business operators and by signing undisclosed contracts with them.

6)Disclosure of personal information targeted for disclosure, and inquiry center

With user's request, Our Company accept notification, disclosure, amendment, addition and deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, and termination of provision of information to third parties ("disclosure and other such") in relation to personal information targeted for disclosure which Our Company own.
Please refer to the "inquiry center for complaints and requests related to personal information" below for disclosure and other such requests.

7)Facultativity against provision of personal information

User provides personal information on a voluntary basis.However, you may not apply for or use universions services if the said information cannot be provided.

8)Obtaining personal information using a method which cannot be easily recognized by the person in question

universions use cookies partly to provide users with the most optimized services.

9)Inquiry center for complaints and requests related to personal information

unimal Co., Ltd.
Inquiry center for complaints and requests related to personal information
[By email]

Revision history
Established on January 7, 2014